Hi, I am 15 years old and I have a form of CAPS. As you will learn, it has had a great impact on my life for many years and has changed...
Where It all began (0-5 yrs):
Ever since I was born, i’ve had symptoms of PFS. The day I was born, I got pampers and the next day, I had a rash all over me. The...
Middle (6-10):
I started having visits to the local children's hospital in the rheumatology clinic every three months for a blood test and checkup. They...
End (11-13):
As I continued to take Kineret the attacks came less frequent, coming at once every 2 months then once every 3 months and so on and they...
Conclusion & Injection Tricks
*Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor / nurse before attempting. Implement at your own responsibility.* When the doctors changed me...
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